Checkout Mode Banner

django-oscar-sagepay ships with an optional custom tag that displays a banner dictating what checkout mode you are running. For example, if you are running in simulator mode i.e. SAGEPAY_MODE = 'Simulator' a message banner could be displayed on the payment details view.

Adding the Checkout Banner

The banner is not installed by default and is entirely optional. To add the checkout banner simply add the tage to the required view:

{% load checkout_mode_tag %}
{{ bankcard_form.as_table }}

Another example would be to add the custom tag the payment details template:

{% load checkout_mode_tag %}
{% block payment_details_content %}
{% banner %}

<form action="{% url 'checkout:preview' %}" class="form-stacked" method="POST">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ bankcard_form.as_table }}
{% endblock %}